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Notes from a professional pizza lover

Thursday 6 May 2010

Lazy Courgette and Spring Green Chilli Pasta


1 leek, chopped
1 courgette, grated
zest of half lemon
teaspoon of chilli flakes
sprinkling of pinenuts/sunflower seeds
2 crushed garlic cloves
any pasta
slug of white wine
olive oil
parmesan/ gran padano/pecorino grated
creme fraiche (optional)

Heat some olive oil and add the garlic and chilli flakes, cook for 2 mins max on low heat.

Add leeks, lemon zest, seeds or pinenuts and cook for another 5 mins, adding wine in last minute.

In the meantime, cook the pasta- wholewheat is nice and keeps things low carb(ish) and healthy feeling- pour a glass of wine or beer, have a fag and check facebook, download a song.

By this time the pasta should be ready al dente, so drain and conserving a little of the water, add to the veg mix and heat for 30 seconds. If something a little creamier is desired and the fridge provides, then add half a tub of creme fraiche at this point and cook for an extra 2 mins.

Pile on the shavings of hard cheese a choix and season with salt and pepper.

Great for when time is of the essence (between episodes on a binge of The Wire?) or to soak up that midweek bottle of rose' before setting a 7am alarm.

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